New Service

Applying for new service is quick and easy.  After downloading the application, bring by the completed contract to our office at 1114 Wastewater Road (mailing address:  PO Box 68, Dandridge, TN 37725) to activate water/sewer service.  You will be required to present a driver’s license or state issued photo identification, service address, date you wish service to start, and a billing address.  If you wish to e-mail an application, submit the scanned application along with a copy of your identification to  In order to ensure it was received, you may contact the office at (865) 397-3696.  Please refer to the Fee Schedule below to determine the cost associated with new service.


*Effective 5/14/2024 Ordinance No.23/24-23

Water Account Setup Fee $100
New Water & Sewer Tap Total Water Sewer Setup
Residential–Inside City $2,100 $1,000 $1,000 $100
Residential–Inside City (< 1972) $1,200 $1,000 $100 $100
Residential–Outside City $3,100 $1,500 $1,500 $100
Commercial/Industrial–Inside City $3,100 $1,500 $1,500 $100
Commercial/Industrial–Outside City $4,100 $2,000 $2,000 $100
Deerwood $3,100 $3,000 $100

***Above Taps Assume a 3/4″ Tap***

Tap Type & Size Total Water Sewer
1″ $2,000 $1,000 $1,000
2″ $6,000 $3,000 $3,000
4″ $14,000 $7,000  $7,000
6″ $22,000 $11,000 $11,000

*Increase in tap size cost shall be added to corresponding tap fee structure.

Meter Test-Internal$50

Other Fees
Sprinkler Supply Line $1,000 per inch
Fire Hydrant Tap Fee $1,000 tap only
Fire Hydrant Meter Rental $100 plus billed Outside City Industrial Rate
Backflow Test $10 above current bid per device
NSF (Non-Sufficient Funds)/Return Payment Fee $25
Credit/Debit Card Convenience Fee Amount Charged by Third Party
E-One Pump Fee Current Market Cost
Re-connection Fee $50
Cleaning/Inspection Fee (3 Days Only) $50
FOG Fee $200 annually
Standard Plans Review Fee $495
Engineering Fee $125 hourly
Water Chlorination $800 per 1,000 feet
Bacteriological Testing-State Certified Utilities $25
Bacteriological Testing-Private Companies, Developers & Individuals $100
Meter Test-Internal $50
Meter Test-Outsource Amount Charged by Third Party
Repair Fees: Labor $35
Repair Fees: After Hours Labor $55
Repair Fees: Backhoe/Excavator $65
Repair Fees: Materials Current Market Cost